Darnis Darnis


This research is motivated by the low mathematics learning outcomes of students of class I Bumi Ayu State Elementary Schoo 019. The purpose of this study was to improve students' mathematics learning outcomes by applying realistic mathematics learning (PMR). The form of research used is classroom action research. The study was conducted in 2 cycles, each through the stages of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results of the study showed that the basic score of students' completeness was 46.1%, the percentage of completeness in the first cycle was 73%, and the percentage of completeness in the second cycle was 92.3%. On the basic score the number of students who completed was 12 people, while the number of students who did not complete were 14 people. In the first cycle the number of completed students was 19 people, while the number of students who did not complete was 7 people. In the second cycle the number of students who completed was 24 while the number of students who did not complete was 2 people. Based on the data obtained above, it can be concluded that by applying realistic mathematics learning (PMR) can improve the learning outcomes of first class students of Bumi Ayu State Elementary School 019.


realistic mathematics learning (PMR), mathematics learning outcomes

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