Peran Greenpeace dalam Penanganan Kerusakan Lingkungan (Polusi Udara dan Air) di China
This research aims to determine about Greenpeace role in the Handing ofEnvironmental Damages(Study Case Water Pollution and Air Pollution InChina).Type of this research is descriptive analysis. China’s environmentpollution issue came up when the growth of China’s economy and industrializationshows the great development. By the positive development,the effect of progress of China’s economy and industrialization brings badimpact against environment sector. The writer try to describe and explainabout Greenpeace role in resolving water and airpollution which occurredat China. Sources to be presented in this research is secondary sources.The conclusions of this research the role that is carried out by Greenpeacein addressing air and pollution problems in China. Delivering results thataffectthe levels of pollution in China, then showed the presence of Greenpeace’sinterest indication in China.
Keywords : Greenpeace, role, environmental damages, air and water pollutionin China.
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