Fenomena Osilasi dalam Tangki Pendatar Akibat Perubahan Kecepatan Aliran menggunakan Pendekatan Model Fisik Skala Laboratorium

Imam Suprayogi, Bochari ', Joleha ', Amril '


Scientists have conducted many research and developed models of oscillationphenomenon in Surge Tank. Most of developed models for oscillation ofphenomenon in surge tank were physical or mathematical. The method that usedthis research was a physical modeling laboratory of scale approach using surge tankand water hammer apparatus was built by Armfield. Inc United Kingdom. Themain purpose of research observation of water level maximum in surge tank shouldbe compared with theoritical values due to various flow velocity respectively 0.98m/s,1.404 m/s and 2.09 m/s. The main of research proved that the result of themodel that use physical modeling laboratory of scale approach and analytic methodwere very difference for water level maximum (ymaximum) in surge tank.

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