The purpose of this research to preserve the environment draught sustainable
saw now there have been and are morefrequent applied disekolah. Pendidikan environment
(plh) is expected to be one of alternative solutions that is effective in efforts to improve the
knowledge and understanding for preserving the the environmental functions .Education is one
form of a human culture a dynamic and laden development .Therefore , change or development
of education is the that is supposed to happen in line with the changes culture life .Function
education as a developer and common the ability , personality , character , and civilization
nation a dignified in order mencerdaskan life the play an important role in infuse values education
environment to generation .Learning education environment that has now and are more frequent
applied in schools. Focus on research is the implementation of education policy environment
public primary schools 3 pekanbaru to school adiwiyata. By one that witnesses subfokus is a )
implementation so that a policy can reach in accordance with its objectives, b ) the implementation
of education life that is the decision-making process related to on the implementation
of education policy environment.The purpose who were just about to achieved through this
study is to find and analyze the implementation of educationpolicy environment of public school
3 pekanbaru adiwiyata to school , methods used is to use the qualitative method because , the
problems it was not immediately clear , holistic , complex , dynamic and full of meaning making
it impossible data on social situations were captured by the method of quantitative research
with an instrument like test , the questionnaire , guidelines wawancara.selain it , researchers
mean to understand social situation in depth , discover patterns , hypothesis and teori.teoriObject
research it will be the implementation of education policy living environment consisting of the
communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure .metode data collection is
observation, Interview, and documentation of .data conclusion. The research results show that
the implementation of education policy environment in public primary schools 3 pekanbaru
been successful in the application and pelaksaannya, because of public school 3Do yaang
sufficient , attitude executives and target policy that is students was also very support and the
availability of regulations have very support namaun there are obstacles in implement this
policy , between some are still the absence of a laboratory for melangkapi activity that is
related to the environment , the number of people of parents and a member of a committee
which to gotong royong and other activities still not in quantity are numerous and , there are
many students who stay in gotong royong seara full of or to completion .
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