Uji Toksisitas Akut Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sapu Jagad (Isotoma longiflora (L) Presl.) pada Mencit Galur Mus muculus

Ira Safitri, Inayah Inayah


Sapu Jagad (Isotoma longiflora (L) Presl.) plant has been empirically used as traditional medicine. Some studies show
that this plant has pharmacological effects as antibiotic, anticancer, and analgetic. It is of importance to conduct study
in finding out the safetiness of this plant as herbal medicine. Therefore, we conducted study to find out lethal dose of
its leaves on mice (Mus muculus) using acute toxicity test. Several doses have been given to certain groups to find out
its effect including death. The extract has been given one time per oral. Then, we recorded the clinical signs and death
of mice until 14 days. The data was analyzed using probit analysis to measure LD50. This study shows that ethanol
extract of Sapu Jagad leaves has LD50 12.610 mg/kgBW and toxicity of central nervous system proven by seizure
ending with death. As conclusion, this extract has toxicity especially to central nervous system.


Isotoma longiflora, acute toxicity test, central nervous system toxicity.

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