Usnan Usnan


The purpose of this study is to find out how the Implementation of Authority Camat In
Planning Development In Kubu Sub-District RokanHilir Year 2014-2015 and to know the factors that
hinder the implementation of the authority of the sub-district head in the development planning in
Kubu sub-district of Rokan Hilir regency in 2014-2015. The theory used in this research is the theory
of development planning according to Sjafrizal. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive
survey research type. In determining the informant writeruse purposive sampling that research will
choose informen which is considered to know information and problem in depth and can be trusted
as data source. The results showed that the implementation of Camat authority in development
planning in Kecamatan Kubu Rokan Hilir Regency 2014-2015 has not been implemented optimally.
Especially on the asphek control of the implementation of development plans and evaluation of the
success of the implementation of the development plan. Once analyzed it is known that the inhibitor
is not the effectiveness of controlling the implementation of development plans and evaluation of
the success of the implementation of the plan.

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