Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel Bentonit dan Suhu Adsorpsi terhadap Daya Jerap Bentonit dan Aplikasinya pada Bleaching CPO

Kurnia Handayani, Yusnimar '


Bentonite is a type of adsorbent that used in the bleaching process palm oil to ab-sorb dyes and impurities in the oil. Bleaching power of bentonite can be enhancedby activation of chemically and physically. In this research, bentonite activatedchemically is done using 5N H2SO4 and the activation of bentonite physically isheated in the furnace under a temperature of 4000C for 6 hours. This research fo-cused specifically studied the effect of particle size variations and temperatureadsorption variations of bentonite were impacted on adsorption power of bentoni-tewith tested by using methylene blue. The adsorption power has been increasingas smaller as the particel size of bentonite(-40 +60 mesh, -60 +80 mesh, -80 +100mesh). Furthermore, the lower of temperature adsorption(700C, 800C and 900C)affected the adsorption of bentonite is increasing too. The bentonit which treatedunder those condition is applied in the CPO bleaching process, then the oil is ana-lyzed, such as color, FFA content and peroxide numbers. In the process of bleach-ing CPO conducted at a temperature of 700C using bentonite activated physically (-80 +100 mesh), has a colour value of 40 on a scale yellow at Lovibond Tintometer,FFA content of 0.11% and the average peroxide number of oil around3.228meqH2O2/kg.

Keywords: adsorption power, bleaching, bentonite, chemical activated, physicallyactivated

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