Chemistry teaching materials exe-learning based on chemical bonding material is designed according to the standards of competence in the curriculum of 2013. This type of research is the development of research using a model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement and Evaluate). The study was conducted only to the extent Development, for the purpose of this research was limited to develop and produce chemical materials exe-learning based on chemical bonding material that is valid for use in learning based on ratings validator. Data collection instruments used were sheets of expert validation of materials and sheet validation media expert who covers the designing aspect, the aspect of pedagogy, content aspect and the aspect of ease of use that is given to 4 people validator that is, one of the experts in the media and 3 experts materials and questionnaire responses of participants learners with the number of respondents 30 learners. Data analysis techniques used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis, namely by calculating the percentage of the value of the validation. Research shows that the results of the validation is done at the end of the validation activities earn a percentage of average rating of 89.14% with a valid category and the percentage of responses for 94.81% of learners in both categories. Based on the analysis of the percentage of the eligibility criteria can be concluded that chemical teaching materials based on the exe-learning material developed chemical bonds are valid for use in the X class chemistry learning Senior High School.
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