Arie Shandy, Shorea Khaswarina, Evy Maharani


Marketing is a total system of business activities that designed to plan, price,
promotion and distribution of goods to satisfy the desires and reach the target
market. This study aimed to know consumer perception on marketing mix in
KlapperPie store. Survey method was used in this study and purposive sampling
was used to get 50 costumers of KlapperPie store as samples. This study took place
in KlapperPie store. Analyze descriptively was used on this study. The results
showed that consumer perception on marketing mix from variables of product, price,
place and promotion then service, consumer gave a mark with good categorized due
to variable of product has an interesting color and fresh fruit as the topping, flavor of
product, package, quality of fruit freshness, quality of hygiene product, and display
quality of product with the average score of 3,75 on good categorized. Indicators on
price variable were affordable price, suitability price with quality products,
competitive price, and price affected on purchasing power with the average score of
3,71 on good categorized. Indicators on place variable were (public transportation,
visibility, parking facility and business location) with the score of 3,39 on quite good
categorized. Promotion variable with the indicators of mouth to mouth promotion and
social media promotion with the average score of 3,03 on quite good categorized.
The last variable was service variable with indicators of bargaining product service,
purchasing product service, handover product service, and delivery product with the
average score of 3,61 on good categorized.


perception, mix, marketing, consumer, pie

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