Karakterisasi dan Aplikasi Katalis Nikel-Molibdenum Teremban pada Zeolit Alam Aktif untuk Hidrorengkah Tir Batubara
Preparation and characterization of nickel-molybdenum catalysts supported on activated natural zeolite over hydrorackingof coal tar have been done. Modification of catalyst was included activation of zeolite by HCl 6N, wet impregnation of Ni-Mo metal and leaching the Ni-Mo from zeolite surfaces with EDTA solution.The parameters of catalyst have been determinedi.e acid site number, the ratio of Si/Al, crystallinity, content of Ni-Mo metal, specific surface area, total pore volume, and poreaverage diameter. The hydrocracking of coal tar was carried out at the optimum temperature (450°C) by flowing H2 gas (flowrate of 20 mL/min) on the coal tar with ratio of feed:catalyst was 10:1. The resulting liquid product was analyzed by GC/GCMS.The result showed that catalytic hydrocracking with ZAA catalyst had the highest conversion of liquid products,which were 40.51% (w/w) compared to Ni-Mo/ZAA catalyst gave 28.61% and Ni-Mo/ZAA(E) gaves 28.06% (w/w). Thehighest light fractions (67.63% (w/w)) produced by using Ni-Mo/ZAA catalyst and the highest medium fractions wereproduced over ZAA catalyst which was 36.61% (w/w) and the highest total conversion on the product with Ni-Mo/ZAA(E)catalyst produced was 50.05% (w/w). The product analyzed with GC-MS result on the 9th highest peak showed that thehydrocracking products resulted over Ni-Mo/ZAA mostly were phenol and its derivatives.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jni.16.1.10-22
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