The school committee is a body or a non-profit and non-political, in the form
based on consultation and democratic by education stakeholders at unit level of education as a
representation of the various elements responsible for the improvement of the quality of the
process and outcomes of education. The school committee was formed to facilitate and increase
the participation of the stakeholders of the school to participate in formulating, establish,
implement, and monitor implementation of school policy and accountability that focuses on
quality of service to learners are proportionate and open. This study aims to reveal the exact
role will be undertaken by a committee of SMAN 1 Bangko Pusako accordance with
Kepmendiknas No. 044 / U / 2002 which states that the school committee acts as a conduit of
consideration (advisory agency), support (supporting agency), controller (controlling angency ),
and mediator. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive research instrument is
self researchers themselves and informants, data collection techniques of documentation and
interviews. These results indicate that the committee SMAN 1 Bangko Pusako not fully carry
out their roles and functions in accordance with Kepmendiknas No. 044 / U / 2002. This is due
to the school committee is not active and effective, the school committee does not know what
is the role and function of the school committee even school committee does not have AD /
ART and lack of coordination and good communication with the school. Besides the pattern of
school leadership which is not transparent and does not involve the committee in any program
planning and implementation and decision making result in the school committee can not play
properly and effectively.
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