M. Fajar Anugerah, Sujianto Sujianto, Adlin Adlin


Implementation Coordination in Making Geen City. Initiative green city embodies has
strategic significance because it was motivated by several factors, including the rapid growth of
cities and the implications for the emergence of a variety of urban problems such as traffic congestion,
floods, slums, social inequality and reduced area of green open space. There are four attributes
to realize the green city of Green Planning and Design, Green Open Space, Green Waste, Green
Transportation. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. Based on the
results of this research is that the functions of planning and organizing the management functions
of local government in the implementation of coordination in realizing green city of Pekanbaru
significantly affect its implementation. This is because in the planning function realizing green
planning and design in planning the environmental documents for the initiators or business
owners they are still viewed as a burden (in terms of both budget and implementation), not as an
obligation to manage the environment and poor law enforcement effort/activities that do not
prepare and implement environmental documents. In the monitored object embodies a green open
space is still focused on vital objects without seeing other objects as objects to monitor road that
focus on the way the protocol/parent and offices that focus on office close to the center of
government. organizing coordination function Environment Agency is still lacking coordination
in the delivery of test equipment to realize the integrated transport emissions or green transportation.

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