Gambaran Kejadian Nyeri Tenggorok dan Serak pada Pasien yang Menjalani Anestesi Umum Endotrakeal di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru

Fitri Fahriyani


Sore throat and hoarseness are common complications after endotracheal intubation. The incidence of sore throat and
hoarseness after endotracheal intubation varies from 14 to 75%. Although regarded as minor complications, sore
throat and hoarseness contribute to postoperative morbidity and patient dissatisfaction. The aim of this study were to
determine the incidence of sore throat and hoarseness after endotracheal general anesthesia and to describe associated
risk factors at Arifin Achmad Public Hospital. This study used a descriptive cross sectional method. A total of 88
patients who underwent endotracheal general anesthesia were enrolled in this study. Data of the patient such as
gender, age, duration of intubation and endotracheal tube size were collected from medical record and direct observation
at the time of operation. All of the patients were interviewed within 24-36 hours after surgery to collect data such as
smoking history, sore throat complaint and hoarseness complaint. The evaluation of sore throat degree was accomplished
with a Capan’s scale for sore throat and hoarseness degree was accomplished with a Stout’s scale for hoarseness. The
result showed that 18 patients (20.4%) experienced sore throat and 34 patients (38.6%) experienced hoarseness after


sore throat, hoarseness, general endotracheal anesthesia

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