Mega Sistiana, M. Hadi Makmur


This research wasintended to describe the degree of fiscal decentralization in the autonomous regions in East Javaprovince in 2006-2010. This research belongs to the genre of secondary data with quantitativedescriptive type. The population in this study was all regencies/cities in East Java Province. Thedegree of fiscal decentralization was calculated from data collected by the three ratios, that is: a)PAD (Local Revenue) with TPD (Total Local Revenue); b) BHPBP (Tax and Non-Tax Sharing)with TPD; c) regional contribution to TPD. The research results showed that, first, seen from theratio of PAD to TPD, DDF (Degree of Fiscal Desentralization) of regencies/cities in East Javain 2006-2010 was in very low category with an average DDF percentage of 8%. Second, DDFof regencies/cities measured in terms of ratio of local contribution and TPD, had a high level ofDDF, reaching 83%. Third, DDF of regencies/cities in East Java in 2006-2010 of BHPBP ratiowith TPD had a very low percentage, reaching an average of only 9%, so the region’s financialdependence on the construction financing of central government funding is very high.

Keywords: regional autonomy, fiscal decentralization, degree of fiscal decentralization.

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