Jaka Hendrawan


This research describe about analyze policy of local budgeting capability in Kuantan
Singingi Regency. Since implementated of regulations number 23 year of 2014 about local autonom,
then local government are have a authority to manage and increase their growth and development
in local government. In 2014 Indonesia government are create a cutting of oil and mineral budget
and it gives impact for local government althought government of Kuantan Singingi Regency.
The research use the methode are qualitative methodes that analyze problem research by describe
the subject and object conditions based on real fact. This research shows that analyze policy of
local budgeting capabilities in Kuantan Singingi Regency are have done by intencification and
extencivication policy, increase of local income resources and efficiency and rationalizations of
locall budgeting in Kuantan Singingi Regency. In order that, some factors that cause the
optimalizations of policy local budgeting capabiliies are communication factors are minims of
cooridnation between implementators programs, resources factors are minims of quantity and
quality of human resources of staff government, implementator of policy behaviour likes reward
for staff retributions and bureacratic structure likes locall tax managament retributions was not
optimally that give impact for policy of local budgeting capability in Kuantan Singingi Regency

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