Aidil Aulya Fasdani


   The problem of urban trash is crucial problem and become image.tata manage city as well
as case of waste management in Pekanbaru City Year 2016, the problem until it has tarnished the good
name of Pekanbaru City until the national level and shows the government ability in waste management.
The purpose of this research is to know urban waste management strategy by Pekanbaru city
government and to analyze factors influencing waste management by government of Pekanbaru city.
The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques that
writers do is interview, observation and documentation whereas, data analysis is done by data
reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that: First, waste
management by Pekanbaru Municipal Government through privatization of garbage transportation
becomes the culprit of garbage pile. The privatization of garbage transportation also further hampers
the awareness of government agencies, especially the Sub-districts and districts to monitor and
evaluate their respective areas, the community is reluctant to participate in the management of
garbage, which in the end will dispose of garbage carelessly. Secondly, the factors influencing the
waste management strategy by Pekanbaru Municipal Government which the writer considers the
most dominant is the lack of budgetary resources to modernize the waste management pattern
especially by presenting TPS 3R on human settlements and capacity building of waste management
machine at Muara Fajar Final Disposal Site.



Kata Kunci: politik lingkungan, strategi pengelolaan, sampah 1

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