This study aims to identify and analyzethe capacity and the factors that affect the capacity of agencies Usaha Ekonomi Desa SimpanPinjam Savings and Loans (UED-SP) Village Muara Musu Subdistrict Hilir Rambah Rokan HuluRegency. This study used qualitative methods with a view to find out how the meaning of existenceUED-SP program in the eyes of citizens who become targets of the program. Through this approachis intended to provide a systematic overview clearly about the phenomena that occur in the relatedfield capacity of UED-SP. The results showed that the capacity of UED-SP in poverty alleviationdipersyaratakan the principles of the PPD program for the poor is still inadequate. This conditionoccurs because the distribution of the Dana Usaha Desa (DUD) has not fixed the target, where theoverall number of members that get funding are those who are able (have collateral and businesses)meets all the requirements stipulated in the AD/ART UED-SP. The factors that affect the capacity ofagencies UED-SP is still low ability and understanding of the program manager UED-SP, bothadministrative and technical implementation. The condition was not influenced by the coaching isdone by the maximum element of the program, both from the district to the village.
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