Kasmiruddin Kasmiruddin


Female entrepreneur or family in Kel. New Limbungan is a group of small economic enterprises and
families who get capital assistance from UEK rolling funds. UEK’s capital assistance has not been able
to overcome the weaknesses of small business / family to develop a better business, because business
management still needs the ability to manage a rational bisnia and must have sika and the behavior of an
entrepreneur. Running a small business / family has a risk of failure if making a business decision is not
appropriate or not in accordance with the business environment faced or dare not run or develop their
business, therefore need to instilled a confident, creative and risk-taking attitude. And for small entrepreneurs
/ families also have to understand how to manage a rational business; how to market products, manage
finances and realize good relationships with customers. Prospect of small / family development in Kec.
Coastal tassle still shows a positive tendency, people are accustomed to traditionally shop for necessities
at small shops or small businesses that are still traditional. The existence of small / family enterprises is
still needed and relevant to local values that still put forward the traditional ways. On the other hand, the
potential of small entrepreneurs / family members to develop their business indicates a strong will and
strong desire to improve better business management. In connection with the indication of the weakness
of small / family business development it is deemed necessary to provide coaching by providing a more
entrepreneurial attitude and business management attitude more effectively.


entrepreneurship, small business and family business, small business competency

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