Pemetaan Indek Kekeringan dan Sebaran Titik Hotspot Daerah Potensi Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Propinsi Riau

Yotta Autika, Aras Mulyadi, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar


Riau is one of the most vulnerable provinces to forest and land fires in Indonesia. The potency for forest and land fires is inseparable from the presence of peatlands and exacerbated by drought. The purpose of this research is to know the characteristics of meteorological drought using SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) method and its relation with forest and peatland fire as one of disaster management effort in Riau Province. The data used in this research are monthly rainfall data from meteorology station and rainfall posts of BMKG, hotspot data from NOAA satellite, map of Forest Use Agreement (TGHK), peat land map and land use map. Analysis of drought characteristics was done by calculating monthly SPI-1 then determining the maximum duration, intensity, severity and drought exposure. Determination of the severity of the drought by weighting and suspension method was based on duration and intensity while drought exposure was done by overlaying the map of the severity of the drought with the land use map. Meanwhile, to know the potential of forest and land fires began with the selection of hotspots on peatlands and forest areas every month then created a graph of the relationship of meteorological drought with the number of hotspots. Then, to see the relationship of drought distribution to the distribution of hotspots in dry season (MK) and wet season (MH) of 2015 was done by overlaying cover the drought distribution with hotspot distribution. The result shows that drought characteristic in the most of Riau province has maximum duration around 4-6 months, dry category of intensity, high category of severity with exposure area in paddy field, field, habitation, and plantation. Then, negative SPI Index (dry condition) has potential to increase the number of hotspots otherwise positive SPI index (wet condition) leads to low occurrence of hotspot. The drought distribution in the dry season (July, August, September) of 2015 triggers the number of hotspots during drought conditions, while in wet season (April, November, December) of 2015 are dominated by normal conditions, some areas are dry and wet, resulting in lower hotspots distribution compared to the dry season.


SPI Index; Forest; land; Hotspot; Riau Province

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